Saturday, August 31, 2019

Childhood Obesity Essay

The childhood obesity crisis is an epidemic that not only touches the lives of people in the United States, but it affects the lives of those all around the world. In a society where childhood obesity is a major health care concern, many do not understand the complexity of this issue whereas others just seem to ignore it. Publically it seems to fall at the wayside when it is discussed in conjunction with many of the world’s other problems. So many young children struggle with this problem as the rates of childhood obesity have increased. Childhood obesity can be defined as any child between the ages of 2 through 19 that have exceeded the 95th percentile of the Body Mass Index (BMI) in comparison of those in their peer group. BMI measures height, weight, waist circumference and skinfold to determine the amount of fat a person is storing. Today, nearly one-third of children and adolescents are overweight or obese and face major health concerns in the future (Ogden, Carroll, Curtin, Lamb, & Flegal, 2010). Contributors to the obesity problem are unhealthy eating, derived from a poor diet or eating too much, not enough physical activity, and lack of information on this subject. There is not enough being done to combat this complex issue and measures have not been taken to prevent this from happening in the future. If parents are educated about what childhood obesity is, what causes it, how it causes low self-esteem, why it is such an important topic, what they can do to decrease the risk of this issue, and how this affects their children as they grow into adults, then the number of obese children will decrease in time. There is not a single specific reason as to why childhood obesity occurs. It can stem from genetics, medical conditions, medicine taken, social behavior, mental status, environment, and demographics. For example, some medicines that are used to treat seizures can decrease the body’s ability to burn calories and medical conditions such as hypothyroidism slows down the body’s metabolism, one of the main functions needed to maintain a healthy weight. An example of a mental health condition is as a result of how people become anxious, upset, or stressed and turn to overeating for escape of their problems. Obesity can also derive from our genetic code (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). Just as genes determine the color of our hair, eyes, the dimples in our cheeks, they also contribute to the amount of fat you store and where you store it. The way foods are processed and chemically altered can cause genes to mutate, altering the way children grow, process, and store products consumed. According to a study conducted by Jane Wardel, Susan Carnell, Claire Haworth and Robert Plomin(2008), there is a strong influence between obesity in children and their genes. Furthermore, it states that the onset of this epidemic has not changed the results, it only verifies that obesity is a health concern. It shows that the environment plays a small part in this health care issue but the genetic codes given to us by our family increases a child’s risk of becoming obese. It is impossible to change our genetic code; however, long term weight control and community involvement are needed to decrease obesity in children that have this high genetic risk. This can have other adverse affects as children fall victim to low self-esteem. Of the reasons given, one cause does not overshadow the other as they all can affect the livelihood of our children. Reasons listed above prove there should be great concern on any occasion; however there is an emphasis on the lack of attaining insight to and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This pivotal point of controlling a healthy lifestyle is most likely the key essential part to preventing childhood obesity and overall well being (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). Today, we live in a society where physical appearance is a vital part of everyday living. Through media and social acceptance, children are lead to believe that you can obtain the highest level of beauty by being thin. This acceptance can alter self perception and cause a serious issue in self-esteem. Self-esteem is an important because its outcome will shape the rest of their lives. It has influence on how they act, their mental health, their interaction with society, how they engage with their peers, and how they feel about themselves. It is already difficult that children have to go through the phases of life to get to adulthood, but when you add obesity into it, the results may be negative. During the elementary and secondary school education phase, children are required to participate in physical activities that many obese children cannot succeed in due to their weight. These children become humiliated and become withdrawn beginning the decline in grades. Obese children are often times the center of ridicule by their peers as well as adults, and as a result, making it difficult to have social interaction due to fear of embarrassment. They are unable to establish personal relationships because the feeling of criticism and failure lowering self-esteem. Personal relationships are vital for development as humans need to receive accolades from each other because they make us feel satisfied, self-confident and valuable. Being obese has a negative effect where those plagued with issue are made to feel inferior to those that judge and even themselves. Self perception can become such a severe issue that many turn to suicide (Paxton, 2005). If parents do not encourage their children in changing their diets and increasing physical activity as an obese youth, these same children are more likely to transcend their weight complications in to adulthood. There are several reasons why childhood obesity occurs and if it is not controlled at an early stage then there are many negative consequences that may occur in that child’s life. It has been estimated that about 26 to 41 percent of obese preschool children grew up to be obese adults, and approximately 42 to 63 percent of obese school-age children grew to be obese adults (Serdula, Ivery, Coates, Freedman, Williamson & Byers, 1993). In addition to increasing the risk of obesity in adulthood, childhood obesity has been known to cause pediatric hypertension, Type II diabetes, risks of coronary heart disease, creates stress on the weight-bearing joints, lowers self-esteem, and affects relationships with peers (U.S. Surgeon General, 2001). If untreated, these preventable health risks are more likely to transfer in to adulthood, become severe, and even result in death. This issue cannot be tackled by one person alone, it is the responsibility of everyone to make this an important topic and spread it throughout the masses. Preventing childhood obesity is important because this is one of the many growing epidemics that humans can prevent. This public health problem has forced the government to intervene in everyday household affairs to assist parents in reinforcing positive choices. Believe it or not, but the government plays a huge role in this national public health crisis. They give guidance, support and information vital to making this epidemic a national priority. In their proven commitment to eliminating this problem, they have changed policies, provided funding, created programs and made this problem their life’s issue. They have also given workforce incentives and have monitored the outcome of the policies and programs put in place. Childhood obesity continues to place a strain on the economy as youth projects such as Lets Move, Making it Happen and The School Nutrition Foundation, have been mandatorily created in order for families to be aware of and become involved in the prevention of childhood obesity. The U. S. Food Stamp Program has taken the initiative to explore adding $227 per month to help low income families purchase fresh fruits and vegetables. Many states have also provided incentives for citizens that promote healthier behaviors. States such as California and New Jersey have local incentive programs that give tax deductions to those that ride their bikes or economically sound vehicles to work. There are also incentives that match funds used to create nutrition education and physical activities programs within the workplace. Health care cost continue to sky rocket as $147 billion is used to provide preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services related to obesity (Finkelstein, 2009). It has been shown that if left untreated, obese children will grow in to obese adults and this also poses a strain on the economy. Obesity related disorders can cause loss of work resulting in many seeking public assistance due to their disabilities. It stops economy productivity as 39.3 million days of work have been lost due to obesity related illnesses (Wolf, Colditz, 1998). Beginning the practice of healthy eating and increasing physical activity at a young age will equip children for success and teach them that maintaining a healthy lifestyle will give them a better and brighter future. Parents are the first line of defense in the prevention of this health problem which is why it is so important to maintain constant influence on their children. Naturally children seem to follow in the same footsteps and the same patterns as their parents. With that being said, if a child has overweight parents, and their parents have a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, their children are more likely to become obese. This idea also works the same way if the parents have an active lifestyle and practice healthy eating habits. They have a very difficult decision to make when it comes to healthy choices. The current state of our economy leaves low income families having to choose between food that is affordable versus food that is high in nutritional content. They also have a difficult decision to make when it comes to their mobility practices. Fast food establishments target â€Å"on the go† families with drive-thrus designed to be fast pace. The problem with this is, they serve sweet, over-processed, and fatty foods that normally have low to no nutritional content. Parents are often plagued with the focus of work and maintaining the household that they will find different means of keeping their children occupied, and often too many times that consist of watching television or playing games. Children participating in sedentary activities are acceptable for a small period of time, but the emphasis on physical activity needs to take place in their everyday lives. There are several different ways parents can help their children prevent or stop childhood obesity. They can start by taking small steps to influence a healthier lifestyle. Expecting anyone, let alone children, to change their eating habits overnight is unrealistic. Give the children goals such as eating fresh fruits and vegetables one serving more than they did the day before or going to the park and increasing their play time from a half hour to a full hour. Praise them for staying on the course, but do not reward them with junk food. Although it is acceptable to serve high caloric, sweet, and fatty foods in moderation, you do not want the children to fall back into their old habits. Trying to be creative and positive is another helpful step. This will help the children want to be proactive in staying healthy and making good decisions. Lastly, be understanding. Like with any lifestyle change it takes some getting used to. If any of the methods listed do not work for a specific lifestyle, parents should not be afraid to try a different regimen altogether or modify the current one (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). In conclusion, the ultimate goal is to stop childhood obesity in an effective and timely manner. The information given throughout this paper has given you an idea on the severity of this issue if unresolved. Parents, schools, and communities around the world have an equal responsibility in fighting this matter. If this epidemic continues on this same path, the outcome will result in obese children becoming obese adults; therefore repelling them from all the benefits that a healthy life style has to offer. A certain level of understanding about childhood obesity must be attained through education, its causes, how to decrease its risks, its effects on adolescents as they become adults, and the importance on exploring this diverse topic. Along with this understanding, there must be acknowledgment of how our society, social practices, diets, and how physical activities contribute to this health issue. Childhood obesity continues to dramatically increase, and has done so in just a short period of time. It prolongs everlasting effects on the economy, in families, in social practices, and in communities around the globe. References Finkelstein, EA, Trogdon, JG, Cohen, JW, and Dietz, W. Annual medical spending attributable to obesity: Payer- and service-specific estimates. Health Affairs 2009; 28(5): w822-w831. Retrieved from June 2010 Ogden, C L. (2010). Prevalence of Obesity Among Children and Adolescents: United States, Trends 1963–1965 Through 2007–2008. Division of Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys Ogden, C.L., Carroll, M.D., Curtin, L.R., Lamb, M.M., and Flegal, K.M. (2010). Prevalence of high body mass index in US children and adolescents, 2007-2008. JAMA. 303(3):242-249. Pearce, Jamie and Witten, Karen. Geographies of Obesity: Environmental Understandings of the Obesity Epidemic. 2010 Serdula MK, Ivery D, Coates RJ, Freedman DS, Williamson DF, Byers T. 1993 Mar; 22(2):167-66. Retrieved from U.S. Surgeon General. Overweight and Obesity: Health Consequences. Rockville: MD; 2001. Retrieved from Wolf AM, Colditz GA. Current estimates of the economic cost of obesity in the United States. Obesity Research.1998;6(2):97–106 Paxton, HL. The Effects of Childhood Obesi ty On Self-Esteem (2005) U.S. Department of Health and

Friday, August 30, 2019

Labour Day Essay

The short essay, â€Å"Labour Day Is a Dreaded Bell in the Schoolyard of the Mind† by Harry Bruce is about his memories of Labour Day over many years of his life. He talked about how Labour Day was like foreshadowing the coming of school, which he hated. Harry described Labour Day as if it were the ‘last meal’ one would take before the inevitable electric chair. Not only was Labour Day bad for foreshadowing the coming of school, it comes with a good-bye to days on the beach, bonfires and all the good things that one enjoys during summer. He clearly shows how Labour Day is a bad day for children, but he also shows the grown-up side of things. His friend drove over one thousand three hundred kilometres to see him, then quickly had to drive back home to go to his job. He talks about how Labour Day makes you grow up in a sense, because instead of focusing on fun childish events to do on the weekend, you have to prepare to get back to your careers. Honestly, to me Labour Day did not really have that much meaning to me growing up. It was just another holiday near the end of summer that in a sense signified the coming of school just as Harry said. I never understood why people took it so seriously. Of course the first thing that pops to my mind about Labour Day is the, ‘Don’t wear white after Labour Day’ rule, but I always neglected it. It also signifies a lot in my household. My parents are typically more left wing on the political spectrum so I remember growing up, going to the parade or protest if you will, and celebrating all the achievements of the workers. It also meant that i was closer to seeing some of my friends that I hadn’t seen for two months. Showing them how much I’ve grown, since I was typically the short kid in the class and grew many inches over the course of summer, where I went, what I did, that kind of stuff. That’s pretty much all that it meant to me, just another holiday where my parents dragged me out to watch a parade and one that signified the coming of the new school year. What people forget is that Labour Day is a holiday; it’s a chance to get together with family and just sit down, have a barbeque, and relax together. It might signify upcoming doom with the likes of school for children or going back to careers for adults, but nonetheless it still is a chance to just take an extra day off. What I learned is that everybody neglects that fact and sees it only with pessimism. Harry taught me to ‘live life in the moment’ if you will, as according to him as you age, Labour Day just gets worse. For me Labour Day wasn’t so bad growing up because I never really acknowledged it but who knows, maybe in the upcoming years I’ll learn to hate it just like Harry Bruce.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Should school uniforms be mandatory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Should school uniforms be mandatory - Assignment Example Many people believe that the school uniforms must be implemented strictly in schools in order to avoid any negative feelings among children. Supporters of school uniform argue that it is essential in the current world in which school children are utilized for executing antisocial activities like violence, drug trafficking, sexual exploitations etc. On the other hand, critiques believe that the implementation of uniforms in schools is a violation of human right which prevents school children from expressing their identity or personality. They believe that a unified dress code can affect the diversity in school campus and prevent children from thinking creatively. I am an advocate of the strict adherence of school uniforms in school campus and this paper analyses various factors in favor and against the implementation of school uniforms. Unified dress codes in schools can prevent discrimination and develop a sense of equality among students. School children often compare their dresses with that of their colleagues. If he feels that his dresses are poor compared to his colleagues he might develop inferiority complex. In order to avoid such negative feelings uniforms must be implemented in schools. One of the major arguments in favor of school uniforms is related to safety and security of the students. The safety argument is that school uniforms make it more difficult for unwelcome outsiders to infiltrate the school grounds (Those disgusting School Uniforms) School is a place which is attracted by antisocial elements in order to derail the developments of the students and also for executing their secret missions. School uniform would help to identify the intruders in the school compound and the authorities can easily identify who are students and who are intruders and thus the chances of crimes can be considerably reduced. It is easy for to exploit school children for sexual exploitations because of the hormonal developments

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The role realism plays in the Novel farewell to arms Research Paper

The role realism plays in the Novel farewell to arms - Research Paper Example He uses plain language that can clearly describe how real the actions in the novel were. Ernest’s novel resolves around the real happening of the world war. He brings in the real actions in a narration style. This style ensures that all the scenes and occurrence are described in clear and simple manner that makes it easier for the readers to understand them. The simple language used ensures that the description of the novel can have similar description from different readers since the narration in clear and does not need deep thinking, which bring make readers understand it differently (Halliday, 214). The theme of love, war, friendship, individualism, identity and patriotism are all described in a plain language that shows bow real were the occurrences. However, realism has played a big role in creating these themes and also characters. In the novel, war is has been glamorized. It has been described in a real way that shows clearly how the war was. War is described in a horri fied way according to how the ambulance driver views. War is a game where only the poor people are one who suffers. This is true even in the reality. In most cases, the poor are the one who are affected by war. This is evidenced in the novel where Henry eats the macaroni that was hit by the mortar. War is not a patriotic action but is a very tiresome activity. Rinaldi refers war as a disease. This is because he suffered from gonorrhea that he thought everyone has the diseases. However, from is view, war is great but when it is too much I can make pleasurable thing to be tiresome. Like a disease, wars spreads until people wish there could a cure for it (Halliday, 219). Therefore, cure will allow people to breath well before the next outbreak is realized. The novel also describes the real brutality that was taking place the war. It gives the real happenings of war. Some people like Henry removed themselves of the war while others who were naive still embraced the war. The novel descri bes how the Italian army caused violent chaos and destruction. Henry shot an innocent engineer who refused to free the car from the mud. This killing showed that war has inevitable occurrences. From the author’s suggestion, war is dark and murderous activity that refuses to preserve or protect the true love (Lehan, 67). Realism has been used to build the theme of games and divertissement. People are tired of war. They are trying to do other activities to deviate themselves from it. They want to avoid thinking about the war by engaging in other activities. This is realistic in a way that when one wants to avoid other things, he or she has to engage in other activities that bring diversion (Phillips, 29). Many characters in the novel try to diversify themselves from the horrors of were. They involve themselves with pleasurable activities. Henry and Catherine deviate themselves from war by flirting to forget their personal troubles. This flirting helps henry to forget about the war and enables Catherine to forget thinking about her fiancee she lost in the war. They involve themselves in horse races to ensure that their minds are far ways from the war troubles. Henry’s relationship with Catherine has caused him some suffering. To avoid thinking about that, he involves himself in pooling game with Count Greffi (Halliday, 224). Realism has also been used to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Life experience that influenced my self-esteemation Essay

Life experience that influenced my self-esteemation - Essay Example Friends are known to have the power to change one’s perception towards him or herself through the manner in which they treat a person. In this light, jealousy would be the best word to describe the state my friends put me in by being polite at numerous instances while I, on the other hand, remained strong at few moments only. As a result, this made me the underdog amongst all my friends, meaning that of them all, I was the most disadvantaged, thus, was obviously picked at for this reason. Oftentimes, friends work as a yardstick against which one evaluates him or herself in relation to success and self-worth. The manner in which they treated me was only to their own benefit, which ruined my sense of self-worth all the more. These treatments make people face difficulties in socializing with others due to lack of confidence in actions to the point of missing out some crucial stages of life. In this case, in order to overcome the whole ordeal of diminished self-esteem, success was the key and this experience taught me that friends would only treat an individual in the way he or she allows them. The experience of beating my friends at their own game in a music competition was the deal breaker, where my friends and I had formed a band to compete in a local town event, where we had to outperform other local bands. In an attempt to put the blame on me in case we lost, or so I perceived, I was put on the lead guitar in spite of my lack of proficiency in the task at hand. The b and went on stage to the joy of the crowd, and the performance began with all the electric guitars playing to tune, mine included. The crowd was overjoyed with the performance and the band at large due to the coordination of music making. Off the stage, my friends/band mates were surprised at how well I had performed making them embarrassed at their behavior towards me and the flop in their plan. My friends shared in the achievement though half-heartedly and congratulated me in disbelief of my splendid performance. Drawing from this experience, I discovered the potential I held inside to make myself a better person, and for my own development. This success acted as a massive confidence boost, from which I quit playing a secondary role to my friends and saved me from the burden of handling all the cold and mocking attitudes coming from my â€Å"friends.† In addition, it proved to them that I could do even beyond that which I had thought to the surprise of everyone, including m yself. This experience was significant in my life, in relation to making choices from the subsequent events after the music competition. This is because it molded my attitude to be that of winning and doing better by heightening my sense of self-worth. This stemmed from the positive thoughts and feelings that I felt towards myself, which rescued me from a state of self-pity. From then on, I chose my thoughts carefully to suit a positive life attitude and positive practices to match it. In addition, I have learnt to choose my friends wisely based on their treatment of their prior friends, rather than being an experimental friend to be shoved all over the place for their own pleasure. Furthermore, I have learnt the truth about friendship and its aspects in relation to staying true to yourself but not attempting to fit in order to gain recognition. The

Monday, August 26, 2019

Learning Theories and Learning Styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Learning Theories and Learning Styles - Essay Example Learning theories and learning styles Learning theories are described as frameworks that explain modes and ways in which information is processed, absorbed and retained when tutoring or receiving information. Before generating a learning theory, Brown & Ryoo (2008) argue that environmental cognitive and emotional influences should be effectively considered. The authors also point out that past experiences in a learner’s life should also be considered. All these factors are impactful when understanding the way in which views and understanding are changed or acquired as well enabling one to know the ways in which knowledge can be retained (Radin, 2009). When developing learning theories, De Jong (2010) argues that it is more advantageous to study the fluctuating factors in the learner than studying the environment. Additionally, the author sensitizes on the need to study the complexities in the human memory to generate effective and appropriate learning theories. Compare different learning styles Development of lear ning styles is based on the ability and preferences of different individuals. According to Keefe & Jenkins (2008) development of learning styles became a need since different learners displayed different forms in the way they understood and retained information. The authors further argue that the mode and way of teaching cannot be generalized to fit the preferences of all students. For this reason, educators and educational institutions have come up with learning curriculums that incorporate different learning styles. ... This enables learners to have a range of preferences from which they can choose what makes their educational experiences interesting and fruitful. There are 7 learning styles. They comprise of: Visual This particular learning style incorporates tangible tools in its learning systems. Learners preferring this style understand information when using pictures, images and spatial information. For instance, when teaching on the formation of landscapes, a tutor is advised to use images to explain the phenomenon. Jackson (2008) also gives an example on the application of the learning style by arguing that calculating the size of shapes and objects a tutor must use images and objects for a learner to effectively relate to the information. Aural This learning style incorporates the use of music and sound as learning tools. Aural learning styles are mostly used in educational institutions for the visually challenged (Radin, 2009). The tutor in this case makes a recording of a particular subjec ts or information. In some cases the tutor may use music to pass pieces of information to the learners. Verbal This style is also known as linguistics. In this case, the learner prefers the use of words either written or in speech. This is the most commonly used learning styles as many learners prefer the style due to its efficiency in understanding and record keeping abilities. Physical It is also known as kinesthetic. This particular learning system uses the sense of touch and the body to pass information. The style is most a preference to students who are visually and verbally impaired. Radin (2009) points out that the learning system mostly incorporates the use of hands. Logical (Mathematical) The learning system is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

History and Its Impact on Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History and Its Impact on Art - Essay Example Bernini’s sense of artistry was most revered by the religious sector during his time, often get hired by the monarchs of the kingdom to design churches and depict political allegories. For the most part, the sculpted statues of these three artists are all nude and had some political implications. It is just fair to concede that these artists were pillars of boldness in terms of political practices. [Student’s Last Name] 2 The Spanish, Dutch and French Baroque and its Influences on Wealth and Power The Dutch Baroque was considered to be the country's golden age - a period of astonishing wealth and the communal unity of the commercial class. A booming international trade boosted the Dutch's typical type of living. In addition, a strong average class of market for present-day art was the key to the flourishing of the economic situations in other countries like Spain and France and these arts depict overall prosperity of products like spices, glass, etc. There was also a su rging patronage on artistic works by average income class families. The paintings during this period of time were mostly inspired by the propagandistic paintings of the minister Cardinal Richilieu and the more introspective paintings of people affiliated to the Jansenist group. The Asia – Europe Arts The spreading out of Europe to Asia was urged by the yearning for spices and other Asian products. Nevertheless, its consequence surpassed the plain bartering of commodities and other products. It has marked the commencement of an international market that altered our taste and standard of living today. There were several cultural exchanges evolved in the commercial structure that were not just limited to transnational and within the Asian commerce. The existence of specialized marketplaces for cultural artifacts and products and the transmission of items influenced the local arts and craft manufacturing of both continents. In tradition, the relationship between Europe and Asia h as been investigated in a hegemonic viewpoint, considering Europe as the prevailing economic and political hub. And even up to the issues of cultural influences, the pattern for transmission considers Europe as the [Student’s Last Name] 3 main source and Asia being the beneficiary. Thoughts about Asia and Europe as two colossal expanses took place on this perspective. Photography and the French Painting Numerous discoveries in photography witness the rise of more innovative impressions of art in manifold splices. This can be credited to the reality that, albeit, art mainly resides on the person's mind's eye and ingenuity, photography transformed the entire conformist and conservative artistic scheme. Consequently, within the early 19th century, numerous features, factors have emerged and in the following years caught sight of the increase of the utilization of complex and sophisticated colors and texture as well as the integration of light in painted materials and artworks, n evertheless, the arrival of photography which necessitated much fewer materials and used up smaller amount of time and workforce undesirably spoiled the realm of conservative artistry. The â€Å"Art for Art’s Sake† perspective, which was focused on the progressive modernism, improved the way art

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The ownership of risk in Projects in the Gulf Cooperation Council Essay

The ownership of risk in Projects in the Gulf Cooperation Council region - Essay Example It is, however, not the case the pattern and the extent of this real estate boom is similar in case of all the countries in the GCC region, but the interesting thing is that market characteristics, outlook and environment of investment in most of the GCC countries are pointing towards the continuation of this current boom for some time in future. The ongoing boom in real estate sector of is not only significant for the growth of construction sector of this region, but also to the development of overall economy as construction sector is one of the most important economic sector of the region which significantly contributed to the GDP of this area. Given the importance of this sector to the overall economic conditions of the countries in GCC, it is very much important that the current pace is maintained in future also. In order to ensure that the real sector of GCC is growing at a rapid pace in coming years also, it is essential to manage the ongoing and upcoming investment projects in this sector very efficiently so that these projects could deliver desirable output. As far as project management in construction sector is concerned, it is not an easy task to perform by the project managers. This is because investments in construction sectors are exposed to a large set of risks. Hence, in order to ensure efficient management of the investment projects, it is first necessary to conduct efficient management of the risks associated with real estate projects. Project management is generally considered to be a complicated task which requires an efficient combination of knowledge, appropriate techniques and skills to be applied to the project related activities so that the expectations and demands of the shareholders from a particular project can be met adequately. Project risk management is a very crucial part of project management. In case of managing project risk efficiently, managers are required to identify and analyze various sorts of risks associated

Friday, August 23, 2019

Instructional ducoment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Instructional ducoment - Assignment Example Your Internet service provider (ISP) or email administrator will provide you the configuration information which you must use to set up your email account in Outlook. Email accounts are contained in a profile. A profile consists of accounts, data files, and settings that specify where your email messages are saved. Your new profile is created automatically when you run Outlook for the first time. You can open an attachment from the Reading Pane, or from an open message and you may save it to a disk drive. If a message has more than one attachment, you can save multiple attachments as a group or one by one. Contacts can be added with simple information like name and e-mail address, or with detailed information such as street address, multiple phone numbers, a picture, birthdays, etc related to the contact. You can print individual items like e-mail messages, contacts, or calendar items, or larger views, such as calendars, address books, or content lists of Mail folders. All printing settings and functions are found under the Backstage view. The above guide endeavors to familiarize you with basic Outlook features to give you a head start. However Outlook is awash with several other advanced and multipurpose functionalities like creating reminders, calendar appointments and scheduling meetings with people, which you can explore and put to your use once you have gained ample hands-on experience on Outlook basic and core

Financial Markets and Institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial Markets and Institutions - Essay Example The derivative market can be further sub-divided into the OTC (over the counter) market and the exchange traded derivatives market. While the former is more customized and offers tailor made innovative instruments in the later all transactions take place via exchange. The OTC market transactions are done mainly by the investment banks that heir traders or agents to market derivative instruments to clients. Some instruments of OTC market include forward contract, swaps (interest rates and currency), credit derivatives, and hedge funds. The derivative market transactions in US are mostly dominated by large multinational financial institutions. The global economic importance of derivatives market is that they are important instrument for determining current and future prices of underlying asset. In addition, a derivatives market also helps to reduce the risk of transaction by bringing certainty in to expected cash flows. The derivatives market encourages speculative trading and arbitrag e. A derivatives instrument reduces transaction costs and also offers liquidity of the instrument in market (Parsons, 2013, pp.2-6). Factors Affecting Interest Rates Interest rates are amount payable by the borrower to the lender for using capital for certain amount of time. They are also referred to as financial cost of borrowings. Generally the federal bank or the central bank of a country determines the rate of interest on borrowing. Interest rates are determined primarily from the forces of supply and demand. Inflation plays a very important role for determining the interest rates since almost every lender expects to be compensated after considering the purchasing power of money. Thus, the rate of interest is also driven by the market trends and corresponds to changes in inflation levels. The credit of the borrower is also taken into consideration while determining the interest rates. For instance, entities with good credit ratings are able to enjoy debt at cheaper rates compare d to entities with bad credit ratings. This is mainly because the entities with poor credit rating have more chances of defaulting both in terms of regular fixed interest payments as well as the principal. Another important factor that determines the rate of interest is the duration of debt. Generally, the short term rates are less costly since predicting risk factors and inflation levels are more accurate for shorter time frame. However, the same is not true for long term rates since the future is uncertain and only expected or probabilistic returns are possible. Forecasting of Interest Rates Changes Forecasting the changes in interest rates is an important factor for determining the bond prices. When the interest rates are expected to appreciate in future, the objective of the investor should be to hold bonds with shorter maturity and not to hold long term bonds so as to minimize losses. Conversely, when the interest rates are expected to decline in future, it is an opportunity fo r the investors to invest in good credit bonds. Hence, interest rates directly influence the market value of debt instruments including bonds, money market securities, mortgages, and so on. By determining the key factors that have significant influence on interest rates, the interest rates for future can be forecasted. Some of the important factors that influence interest rates are economic growth rates, inflation rates, monetary policy, and budget deficit

Thursday, August 22, 2019

English Castle Essay Example for Free

English Castle Essay Castles are fortifications made to protect resources and lives as well. It is also the main structure of defense. Walls made of large well-defined heavy stones that are stacked to perfection. The castle has a stable, storehouse, bakeries, kitchens, cottages and quarters for soldiers. Usually a city a situated in a castle where a city is surrounded by walls and the only entrance is a single huge gate. This gate is where the merchants and entrepreneurs trade goods for the city market. It was the Norman conquerors who made the castle building an art. They built castles primarily as a defense outpost. They situate a castle in a high ground wherein it will be surrounded by water or a deep ditch. It was supposed to be high because it will delay intruders from attacking also it will be very susceptible for archers to snipe down intruders. Castle acts as keeps or strongholds that no one can penetrate. A castle is governed by a king, the highest rule. In the English setting, castles were built in Medieval era, wherein castles were made out of stone. This is a linear representation of what has transpired back then. In the Stone age, Causewayed Camps and Stonehenge was discovered. The Bronze age produced the Hillforts of England and the Maiden Castle, which is considered to be the biggest castle. In the Iron Age and the Romans Hillforts of England was reinforced since the English were under siege. The English people put up Hadrian’s Wall and the Roman Forts as a line of defense. After the Romans have fallen, the English people were restless with war and were attacked by Scotts, the Welch and the Anglo-Saxons. These invaders were also accompanied by the sudden attacks of the Vikings. By that time Alfred the great thought of defense mechanism to make England less susceptible for attacks. Alfred the great made the not a formation of walls instead made a strategic positioning of fortified towns that was called â€Å"Burhs†. Logically, if there are many fortified towns reinforcing each other then there will less attacks made because the chances of survival will be small. This happened in the reign of the Anglo-Saxon which is also known as the Dark Ages. But the root of all the prestigious castles made were from the Medieval Period spearheaded by the Norman Invasion in which they introduced the Motte and Bailey castle which is made from stone and wood. At this time, the Medieval Kings have devised a plan to erect Windsor and Warwick Castle. Then King Edward I conquered the Wales. He established the massive fortifications called Concentric Castles. Examples of these Concentric Castles are the Cowny, Harlech and the Caernarvon Castle. Concentric Castles were also called Edwardian Castles. They have no basic points of concentration. Their defense is the wall rings built around them and the entrance is a single gate that serves as bridge and also served as the gate. They lower the gates in the morning and closes at night. Castles in general are mainly for protection and also for economic purposes. There are estimated to be seventy-two English Castles and here are some of them: Alnwick, Lindisfarne, Warwick, Carisbrooke, Pevensey, Tintagel, Stafford, Pendennis, Lancaster, Herstmonceux, Saint Mawes, Grimsthorpe, Calshot, Rochester, Ludlow, Kenilworth, Richmond, Carlisle, Yarmouth, Bodiam and Scotney Castle. Among those numbers of Castle, a few stand-out such as Pontefract, Bodiam, Caister, Allington, Hever, Tower of London, Windsor, Warwick and Leeds Castle. Pontefract Castle was King Charles last fortress in the Civil War. Bodiam Castle was erected by a soldier in the time of King Edward III named Sir John Dalyngrudge. He believed that fortifying the castle would make it hard for intruders to penetrate. Caister Castle was built by Sir John Fastolfe, who fought in the French Wars. In the Allington Castle, Sir Thomas Wyatt was born. This castle was his sanctuary for writing the prose and verse of his poems. Hever Castle has a beautiful garden always been associated with Queen Anne Boleyn which is the concubine of King Henry VIII. The Tower of London is considered to be the royal residence of the King. It also means that it was the center of power. Tower of London is not a single tower but it consists of other different tower as defense structures. It thwarted the attacks of the Vikings. Beheading and tortures are also done here to show disillusion the people from the strength the government has and also to promote fear to their enemies. Windsor Castle is longest standing castle with its nine hundred years of its glorious existence. The Windsor Castle is comprised of three wards namely: Saint George’s Chapel as the lower ward, royal apartments and grad state rooms as the upper ward and middle ward is an amphitheater. The Warwick Castle follows a Motte and Bailey style that is made of wood but since the William the conqueror was in-charge the he changed the wooden part of the castle into stone by exploiting the Anglo-Saxon labor force. Lastly, the Leeds Castle, which lies on the River of Len and is strategically engineered between to adjacent islands. The name Leeds came from King Ethelbert IV called Ledian. Whatever the advantages of Motte and Bailey and Concetric designs, for being cheap and crude or tough and expensive, it sure made the history of England very meaningful. Acquisitions of land here and there entailed that there was a decentralized rule of power and due to it colonizers took advantage of it and waged war. The Norman conquerors should be proud on what they have achieved. Today, castles are just remnants of what has transpired back then. All of which is written in history, engraved in our memory. The hardships and sufferings of those who are tortured are screaming in the air where the castle stood. Ghosts of the dead haunt these sacred places, a place rich with tradition and full of honor and dignity. Castles are not just fortifications for protection but a shelter for the weak and oppressed, a symbol of bravery and diplomacy and above all a symbol of life in its borrowed existence. The English Castles are rich with memories of the executed and the times of triumph. For what of it remains is what is ours to preserve. Its existence can never be replaced, its value, its worth, and its beauty. Lastly, castles are not built by stone, wood or clay, it is made of the people’s blood, sweat and tears. People visit English castles because of awe and amazement that it brings to them. Its structure reminds them of how people have lived and it also depicts the events that have transpired back then. Since wars are the predominantly remembered association with castles, rumors and stories about the existence of ghosts emerged. The existence of ghosts is attributed to the executions done inside a castle and also to the prisoners kept in the dungeon. Though there is no material evidence to show that there are ghosts within these castles, people still insists its existence. The intricate designs and ornamentation around the castle adds up to the mysticism it brings to the visitors. The main attraction in visiting castles is the place where the throne is situated since in represents royalty and dominance over a large scale of people. But there is also an equal attracting part of the castle in contrast to the throne is the dungeon or lair. This is where prisoners of war are kept. In this place, it is believed that prisoners are being tortured to death to extract information from their army. Since, loyalty is valued, these prisoners are executed and their screams fill the air like a resonating sound of a ghost. Death is considered to be the ending of their torment. In sum, castles are visited based on their history and to what historical events have happened there. Castles best explain how the pre-existing people have lived their lives and also it show how technology have transcended to what it is right now. The scientific engineering and planning of creating a good castle is logically thought of. Every detail of a castle has a rational purpose. It was distinctively modified upon the needs of the people living in it. Lastly, the long-lasting castles are the evidences of the great historical events for the English people.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Deaf People And Sign Language

Deaf People And Sign Language In 2002 approximately 1,000,000 people over five years of age were functionally Deaf in the United States (Gallaudet Research Institute). Used by the Deaf and hearing impaired, American Sign Language (ASL) has its own culture, grammar rules, syntax, and is used to communicate with one another and express themselves. Despite popular belief there is not one universal sign language. There are more than seventy different recognized signed languages used in the world (Myths Facts). Next to English and Spanish, American Sign Language is the third most widely used language in the United States (Facts About Deafness). Due to the increased use of the language the Deaf community has changed of the years and allowed the Deaf to adapt to a hearing world. Deafness should be welcomed and embraced as a way of life. It is thought to have been believed that Fray Pedro Ponce de Leon (1529-1584) a Spanish monk was the first to have taught Deaf students by representing objects with signs (Deafness). The first official written down form of sign is though to have to been founded in the sixteenth century by, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Geronimo Cardano, a physician of Padua, in northern Italy, proclaimed that Deaf people could be taught to understand written combinations of symbols by associating them with the thing they represented. The first book on teaching sign language to Deaf people that contained the manual alphabet was published in 1620 by Juan Pablo de Bonet (History of Sign Language). Over 100 years after the first sign language book was published the first school for the Deaf, Virginia School for the Deaf, opened in the 1780s; however, it closed only a year after opening (Oldest School for the Deaf in the US). 37 years later the second and oldest permanent school for the Deaf (The American School for the Deaf (ASD)) in North America was founded and opened in Hartford, Connecticut by Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, Laurent Clerc (1785-1869), and Mason F. Cogswell (1761-1830) in 1817. (Message from the Executive Director). Soon After, Schools opened in New York in 1818, in Pennsylvania in 1820, Kentucky in 1823, Ohio in 1827, Virginia in 1838, and Indiana in 1843. Within forty years of the opening of the Hartford school, twenty had been established altogether, and, by the turn of the century, more than fifty. (Through Deaf Eyes . Deaf Life . The Formation of a Community | PBS). The American School for the Deaf is still open and running; however, Over 80% of school aged children are being educated in the public school system (Various Statistics). Over 16 million people in the United States are hard of hearing or are profoundly Deaf ( Deafness). Out of these numbers only seven percent of kids were born into hearing families. Out of 1,000 births two or three children will be born Deaf or hard of hearing (Deaf About Deafness). This creates challenges for the parents of Deaf children. How do they communicate to their children? How will their children fit in? How will they learn? What will become of their children? Some will tell parents to look into cochlear implants and hearing aids, granted the family can afford them. Others will suggest the parents learn sign language. What ever the family decides it will bring about different challenges. One of the most important things parents need to no it that Deafness is rarely genetic. Most Deaf people have hearing pare nts and will give birth to hearing children (Myths Facts). Though being Deaf can cause challenges in ones life, science and todays technology has made many advances in how the Deaf can live with less difficulty. One of the must obvious adaptions the Deaf have is Sign Language. Though it is not the same everywhere, sign has allowed Deaf to communicate with the world. One can not live without some type of communication or humanity would not function properly. American Sign Language is primarily used in North America and Canada and is thought to have been derived from French Sign Language (American Sign Language). One might wonder what happens when the Deaf go out into public, how will they communicate with hearing people? Sometimes the Deaf will have an interpreter come with them for they can communicate with those who do not know American Sign Language. Being an interpreter has become much harder than in the previous years. As of June 30, 2009, all hearing candidates for [EIPA (educator interpretation performance assessment) (Interview)] certification must have at least an associates degree, in any field, in order to take the performance exams. This requirement is expected to increase to a ba chelors degree by 2012 (Becoming An Interpreter For The Deaf). Salary outlook on Sign interpreters depends on experience and educational outlook. After passing the EIPA test one usually applies to a school district. During these five years one can take special classes for specific fields of signing (e.g. nursing or law). During this time interpreters can charge 60 dollars per hour with a minimum of two hours. After getting a degree in specialty signing one can charge 100 dollars per hour with a minimum of two hours. With constant learning, the job of an interpret is constant but very satisfying (interview). One example of this may be nursing or interpretation for theater. Most of the time the Deaf can not attend theater events for obvious reasons, they can not hear the actors! Some theaters may bring in sign interpreters for a number of shows for the Deaf can experience live theater. This also benefits the company, bring in extra business. Other companies are also trying to increase business by creating Deaf friendly deals. One example is cell phone offering texting only plans for the Deaf. Why pay for calls if you have no use for them? This works out for both parties, the cell phone companies earn business and the Deaf get instant communication. One might wonder how the Deaf can use landline phones. A device called teletypewriter allows the Deaf to use landline phones and call hearing or other Deaf people. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ When hooked up to a phone or analog jack, allows for the typing of messages back and forth between text telephones. Anybody can call in to a TTY phone (presumably to a hard of hearing or Deaf person) (Need to know what a TTY is). One might wonder how the Deaf know when the phone is ringing. Todays technology has given the Deaf a hand up on this. Today the Deaf and Hard of Hearing can now set up a light system in their house to alert them to when something, the phone is one example, is going off. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦smoke detectors, phones and alarm clocks can all be converted to feature deaf-friendly flashing lights or very loud alarms, and even vibrating mechanisms that shake the bed or buzz in the occupants pocket (Sound and Fury Deaf Culture Living with Deafness). Another way technology has helped the Deaf is in TV. Obviously they can not hear the TV, or may have difficulty in doing so. Since 1972 TV shows have been available with closed captioning allowing the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to watch TV by reading what the actors are saying by means of text on the TV screen (Sound and Fury Deaf Culture Living with Deafness). Usually the deaf can not go to the movies, but new technologies are in development that allow the deaf to have special panels to allow them to read captions during normal movie viewings. One example of this is WGBHs Rear-Window Captioning System (Sound and Fury Deaf Culture Living with Deafness). These technological advances have made life just a little bit easier for the deaf to live comfortably. Technology may be helping the Deaf but is also causing controversy. The cochlear implant was first introduced in the early 1980s and allows the deaf to hear. In simplest form cochlear implants attach to the head by the use of a magnet and send electronic messages to the nerves in the inner ear (Cochlear Implants). Though normally welcomed by the hearing, the deaf do not approve of the surgery. Most deaf people view Cochlear Implants as robbing the deaf of their personality and that they do not need to be fixed. Also the implants have been noted to be destroying deaf culture. (How Do Deaf People Feel About Cochlear Implants) Most dont see the Deaf as having a culture, but they do and it has it own rules, guidelines and rules for acceptance. The Dictionary of American Sign Language by William Stokoe, Carl Croneberg, and Dorothy Casterline was the first to bring the though of the deaf having their own culture (Deaf Culture). In Deaf culture there are rules of behavior one needs to follow in order to fit in, including: eye contact, facial and body expression, and a number of other things. If one doesnt follow them, or breaks these rules they can be seen as rude. (Deaf Culture) The Deaf have many differences in what they deem as rude and this also goes to hearing culture too. One example of this is how they great one another. While hearing normally shake hands when being introduced a lot of deaf people hug. This may come across as strange to the hearing but its quite normal in their community. Another thing wild accepted in the Deaf community is being straightforward. Hearing people tend to dance around problems or beat around the bush; however, the Deaf are very blunt or straightforward (Some Differences between Deaf and Hearing Worlds.) They do not see this as being blunt; this is just part of their culture. If one plans on being part of the Deaf community they must be prepared for this, and be prepaid to do the same. The Deaf expect this and it is not considered rude. Another thing those who are in entering the Deaf community must expect is how the Deaf use time, known as Deaf time. Before technology allowed deaf people to communicate easier the deaf would spend long periods of time together, and goodbyes were longer. This still holds true to this day. While hearing people usually have quick goodbyes the deaf are considered to have long good-byes (Some Insight on the Differences between Hearing and Deaf Culture). The Deaf have come far in a short amount of time; theyve developed a language, a culture, and found many adaptations to the hearing world. Theyve got their own way of living, and have overcome many obstacles. Knowing American Sign Language and being part of the Deaf Community is rewarding and has changed the world as a whole. It has given a voice to those who do not hear, and has opened a new world to those who have inspired to be part of it. Deafness is not a handicap, just a different way people live and should be embraced.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Mauritius

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Mauritius CSR is not so new in the history of Mauritius. A Mauritian companys engagement in CSR initiatives dates back to 20 years ago, which took place at varying points in time.  Some 25% of companies had recently engaged in CSR activities since less than 4 years only, thus confirming the belief that CSR is an emerging trend in Mauritius. Legal Requirements for CSR The Minister of Finance has established a legal policy in its 2007 financial budget that all registered companies would have to contribute a certain percentage of their book profit towards programmes, as approved by the Government of Mauritius, that contribute to the social and environmental development of the country. However, not all the firms were fully adhering to adopt this good corporate citizenship where one of the reasons for such non-compliance was that charitable donations were no longer tax deductible, thus, discouraging philanthropy by businesses and individuals. Also, there was a relatively low level of sophistication of Mauritian society in terms of demanding such good corporate practice. Seemingly, recognising the poor level of corporate citizenship in Mauritius, in July 2009, the Ministry of Finance introduced the CSR Fund whereby companies need to mandatorily contribute 2% of their PAT (Profit after Tax) to the mentioned fund. All companies need necessarily report their CSR contribution to the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) at the time of submitting their Tax Returns. The companies have one year after the close of their financial accounts to fulfil this legal obligation pursuant to Section 50K and 50L of Income Tax Act. Companies, which fail to abide by this obligation, are required to remit any amount unspent to the MRA.   In compliance with prevailing legislation, the CSR Fund is used to finance CSR activities such as: An overwhelming majority of organisations indulge in philanthropy by engaging in 3 major areas, namely, health and safety, education and community (including sports) whilst other companies prefer to sponsor educational and sports activities. Reasons behind CSR The specific objectives for firms to engage in CSR activities are: Interestingly, it is noted that nearly 50% of firms in Mauritius partner up with other organisations, such as NGOs in their CSR activities on a long-term or short-term basis while the others indulge in one-off partnerships. It is also noticed that almost all companies that partner with NGOs have reported satisfaction with such partnerships. Initially, engagement in CSR activities by most organisations was mainly image building vis-à  -vis their internal and external community. Increasingly, internal and external stakeholders all expect business organisations to do more than making profit. Nowadays, Society expects organisations to go beyond mere compliance with law and regulations. Business is expected to recognise and respect new or evolving ethical norms being institutionalised in society (Carroll, 1999). Thus, this is why multinationals engage in CSR not only to enhance their image but also because they have to abide by their global policy. Hence, the minister stressed that the levies should not be perceived as a tax on efficiency. They are instead a gesture of compassion and solidarity with those who cannot help themselves and with those who will have no means of livelihood if they lose their jobs. CSR and Corporate Governance CSR and Corporate Governance are collectively shaping the identity of organisations and are thus increasingly integrated into the business strategy of successful corporations. Subsequently, the field of responsible business strategy and practice is becoming one of the most dynamic and challenging subjects corporate leaders are facing today and possibly one of the most important ones for shaping the future of our world. Firms in the private sector in Mauritius as well as across the world do acknowledge that they have to balance, if not reconcile, their obligations to shareholders with explicit contributions to the external community. However, the way they contribute can differ considerably. Different firms reveal their contents of their strategy according to the different stages of awareness of and work on CSR they are. While some may agree on a minimum necessary stance to CSR involvement, others may adopt strategic ventures into particular areas to show their contribution to the investment and social communities. To maintain uniformity, the way the companies should disclose their CSR involvement and compliance to law is laid out in the codes of ethics, codes of conduct and codes of corporate governance of the companies corporate ethics. These codes essentially and principally establish and put forward clear norms for corporate behaviour to be observed by each director and employee; set the rules for outlining the responsibilities of or proper practices for all in the organisation; and shape organisational behaviour towards employees and society at large. Corporate governance hence mainstreams social and environment responsibility of corporations and brings awareness that firms off balance sheet environmental and social impacts can have tangible financial consequences. According to the economist and noble laureate Milton Friedman, Corporate Governance is to conduct the business in accordance with owner or shareholders desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible, while conforming to the basic rules of the society embodied in law and local customs. Nevertheless, nowadays this definition has been extended to include the interests of not only the shareholders but also of many stakeholders. There are many regulatory efforts put to identify and codify good governance practices to map out the social and environmental, non-financial boundaries among the different participants in the corporation itself and other stakeholders. To promote corporate fairness, transparency and accountability, the law of Mauritius has provided for the Code of Corporate Governance under Section VII of the Integrated Sustainability Reporting to converge the interests of individuals, corporations and society as nearly as possible through maintaining a balance between economic and social goals as pursued by Sir Adrian Cadburys definition of Corporate Governance. Also, Section 75 of the Financial Reporting Act (2004)  [1]  requires listed companies to present a corporate governance section in the annual report. While CSR aims at extending the legal requirements promoting ethics, philanthropy and social reporting to satisfy stakeholder concerns, Corporate Governance sets the legal framework to protect a companys shareholders, management, board and other stakeholders; the relative emphasis being dependent on national approaches. Effective corporate governance practices are essential to achieving and maintaining high levels of public trust and confidence in the company. Recent surveys concerning CSR in Mauritius have revealed that the large organisations have a fair code of conduct/ethics/corporate governance showing their positive attitude and acceptance of the existing codes of adopting good CSR practices. Though some firms do not hold a formal approach to CSR, they do derive significant benefits in some way by, for instance, adopting good people management practices in terms of staff morale, productivity and employee retention. According to the report reviewing CSR in Mauritius by Deloitte (2008), despite the fact that Mauritian organisations have been involved in one way or the other in CSR undertakings, Mauritius still lags behind the western countries when it comes to CSR being integrated in organisational strategy, structure and operations. Issues like as lack of information on CSR areas, absence of proper partnership, lack of audit after implementation and lack of coordination are deemed to hinder the organisations in their CSR actions. Nonetheless, there is always room for improvement to settle this practice among the local and multinational companies in Mauritius.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Shelleys Hymn to Intellectual Beauty and Mont Blanc Essay example --

For Shelley, poetry moves beyond descriptive communicability; it defers meaning, destabilizes understanding, and defamiliarizes perception. Poetry "awakens and enlarges the mind," he says in A Defense of Poetry, "by rendering it the receptacle of a thousand unapprehended combinations of thoughts" (961). The poet-figure envisions new realities and new emotions, the likes of which invalidate, if not eradicate, intimations of referential meaning. "Poetry," Shelley states in his Defense, "lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar" (961).[1] In "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty" and in "Mont Blanc," Shelley offers an intriguing, though perplexing, look at the functioning of the human mind under the influence of nature, inspiration, and poetic creativity. Composed during a tour of the vale of Chamonix between June 22 and August 29, 1816, nearly twenty years after the composition of Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey," Shelley's poems can be read, as some critics have done, as a "Wordsworthian experience" (Brinkley 45). Shelley and his literary precursor share a similar interest in some of the ways the mind works in and reacts to Nature. But whereas Wordsworth finds solace in Nature -- a setting wherein he behaves as a "lover of the meadows and the woods / And mountains, and of all that we behold / From this green earth ("Tintern Abbey," 104-106)[2] -- Shelley ultimately finds it spiritually and intellectually dissatisfying. Although they both use the natural setting and landscape as their subject, the parallels between Shelley's poem s and Wordsworth's remain somewhat perfunctory. Nature, for Shelley, is nefarious. The universe of Shelley's "Intellectual Beauty" and "Mont Bla... ... 24:2 (1986 Dec): 45-57. McNulty, J. Bard. "Self-Awareness in the Making of 'Tintern Abbey'." The Wordsworth Circle 12:2 (1981 Spring): 97-100. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. "Alastor." Romanticism, 1st ed. Ed. Duncan Wu. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. 834-852. --- "Hymn To Intellectual Beauty." Romanticism, 1st ed. Ed. Duncan Wu. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. 852-855. --- "Mont Blanc." Romanticism, 1st ed. Ed. Duncan Wu. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. 855-860. --- A Defence of Poetry. Romanticism, 1st ed. Ed. Duncan Wu. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. 956-969. Storey, Mark. The Problem of Poetry in the Romantic Period. New York: St. Martin's Press, Inc, 2000. Wordsworth, William. "Tintern Abbey." Romanticism, 1st ed. Ed. Duncan Wu. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. 240-244. --- 1802 Preface to the Lyrical Ballads. Romanticism, 1st ed. Ed. Duncan Wu. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994. 250-269.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

King Lear :: essays papers

King Lear In the play King Lear written by William Shakespeare a collection of images are used to express different points Shakespeare is trying to relay to his audience. One reoccurring image that kept popping up was animal images. Shakespeare displays these animal images when King Lear and many of the other characters in the play talk about Goneril and Regan. The animals that Lear and the other characters compare the two sisters to are not very pretty. They are compared to the likes of tigers, serpents, and even monsters. These reoccurring images have an important idea behind them that Shakespeare hopes to communicate his readers. Shakespeare waste no time in comparing Goneril and Regan to animals. When Lear parts from Goneril at the end of Act I, after she has sneered at him and diminished the number of his retainers, he calls her a â€Å"Detested kite† (I. iv. 269.). He also compares her to â€Å"the sea-monster† (I. iv. 268.), by which he possibly means a mythological monster that would betray its own father. King Lear also comments on his daughters ingratitude using animal imagery when he said,† How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child† (I. iv. 295-296.). Lear comments once more on his daughter’s â€Å"monster ingratitude† (I. v. 40.). Lear is showing how he feels about how his daughters are treating him by comparing them to unpleasant animals. Lear in scene IV has a quarrel with his other daughter, Regan, where again he uses animal images to show how his daughters are sinking below manhood to animals. Lear seeks out his daughter, Regan, at Gloucester’s castle, and finds out that her husband has put his faithful friend Kent in the stocks and that both husband and wife have retired to bed and do not wish to see him. When Regan finally comes down, she tells him â€Å"You should be ruled, and led by some discretion that discerns your state better than yourself† (II. iv. 147-149). Lear responds by saying â€Å"struck me with her tongue, most serpentlike, upon the very heart. (II. iv. 159-160). Lear here again is describing Regan to a serpent, which is a large poisonous snake. Both daughters seem to him now like unusually cruel animals. They show this when they shut him out into the stormy night. In the storm scene, Lear’s hurt from his daughters affect his attitude to the mad Tom of Bedlam (Edgar).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Russel Williams Media

The Truth is Not Always What We Want to Hear: Did the Media Go Too Far in Covering Russell Williams? Kaitlyn Witmeyer The University of Western Ontario Society relies so vastly on media as a source of information, that in some cases there can be discrepancy on what is deemed as appropriate or not appropriate when covering a story. This is the case for the story of Russell Williams who is charged with two accounts of murder, sexual assault and countless occurrences of breaking and entering.Williams’ case has been highly covered by the media and a great magnitude of disturbing details as well as photos has been provided while documenting events. The amount of information provided to the public has caused a controversy as to what is appropriate and ethical to share in concern of the victims directly involved in the case. The information provided as well as the photos is a necessary approach in order to inform the public of the severity of the situation. There are however, certain unnecessary disturbing details that should be omitted.Russell Willams, formally known as Colonel Russell Williams, is a powerful figure in Canada whose job consisted of commander of the forces base in Trenton. This is what makes the particular story so shocking; that a person of such power and who has respect by the country can commit such acts. It is also why the need for publicity is important. Williams murdered two females, Jessica Llyod who was 27, and Marie-France Comeau who was 37, but this was not until after his countless number of break-ins as well as the sexual assault of two separate women.Williams has a sexual fetish with female undergarments and would break into the homes of women and take pictures of himself wearing these articles as well as steal them for his own personal pleasure. This obsession is believed to what lead to the unfortunate assaults and deaths of the other women. When the story was first broadcast The Toronto Star and The Toronto Sun both released pho tos of Williams posing in female lingerie on the front cover of the morning paper.The Star had a photo of Williams posing in lingerie particularly placed next to a photo of him in is Colonel uniform. This photo caused controversy and even though it may be graphic for a front-page headline, it is necessary. There are much more disturbing photos that exist of Williams actually assaulting his victims, but those will never, and should never be released. The photo of Williams in lingerie was necessary to be released because it showed the public of how alarming the case actually is without crossing the line of being morbid.The Toronto Star received a lot of backlash from the photo released however people need to remember that Williams is a murderer and not to just focus on him being a fetishist (McGrath 2010). Due to all the troubling information and photos released, people may tend to concentrate more on the fetish-like behaviours Williams displayed and not give enough attention to the f act that he took the lives of two young women. It was important that the media relay enough details to the public concerning the case so an understanding of the severity of the situation could be made.The message of the situation was relayed across without the need for unnecessary disturbing details like The Toronto Star’s article states â€Å"On New Year’s Day 2008, he broke into a home in the Ottawa neighbourhood where he lived and sprayed semen on a 15-year-old girl’s dresser. He then took a picture of himself with the girl’s make-up brush touching his penis† (Rankin, 2010). This piece of information is quite disturbing and unnecessary in relaying the message to the public.A play by play is also provided of Williams’ video raping Comeau, â€Å" The video beings of Comeau lying in fetal position on her antique wood bed, duct tape wound around her head and covering her face in a T-shape that only her nose is exposed† (Mandel, 2010). Although the video its self was not released to the public, a detailed description still leaves an image burned in our minds. Chris Nicholas of the Ontario Provincial Police Department believes that the detailed information is a â€Å"good dose of reality of how evil people can be† (Hewit, 2010).Although it is a harsh reality, the people could have been spared these descriptive details. Williams broke into a total of 82 homes, but only 17 of them were reported (Seglins, 2010). Many of the break-ins went unreported; this may have been due to embarrassment or unawareness but the knowledge could have helped prevent the murders that occurred. The series of break-ins began in 2007 and lasted until 2010; one can only wonder that if more incidents were reported if that outcome could have been different.Filling the public in on such knowledge now may help prevent future situations from occurring because people are aware of the suspecting signs. The names of the victims and families w ere not released to the media of those who were broken into or sexually assaulted. This is for the best because the families have the right to keep their names private but the information released was important for the public to know. The names of the females who were raped and murdered were released because it becomes crucial information when someone is murdered in order to obtain more evidence.Even though the names were not released of many of the victims, those who live in their tight nit communities would be aware of who they are and what they experienced. Some may find the sharing of events embarrassing but it is important for the public to be aware of the events that occurred. Cases like Williams’ help society become more knowledgeable and by that, implements can be made to try and make people aware so situations like this can be avoided. Children have become so street proof that they are afraid to talk to people who they do not know, even if their intentions are harmle ss.This loses a sense of community and even though unfortunate it is now a necessary precaution. Two murders, two sexual assaults, 82 break-ins, and numerous female undergarments stolen. The truth can be a harsh reality, and for the story of Russell Williams, this is the exact case. Some may continue to find the information provided in the media as inappropriate and unethical. The public could have been spared certain images and details that would have been better left out with the message of the story still making its point across.It is however though still important for the public to be aware of the severity of the situation. Let this unfortunate story be a building block in society to help improve the world we live in. References Friscolanti, M. (n. d). The Dark Depraved Side of Russell Williams Revealed in Court. Macleans. Retrieved from www2. macleans. ca/2010/10/18/dark-depraved-side-of-russell-williams-revealed- in-court/ Hewit, P. (2010, October 19). Do We Need to Know all t he Details of Williams' Crimes?. The Toronto Star. Retrieved from http://www. thestar. om/news/canada/article/ 877982– release-of-shocking-details-of-williams-crimes-unprecedented-judicial-candour Mandal, M. (2010, October 19). Col. Russell Williams, You are a Bastard. Toronto Sun. Retrieved from www. torontosun. com/news/2010/10/19/15754206. html McGrath, J. M. (n. d. ). Should graphic Russell Williams photos go on the front page? | Mediaocracy | torontolife. com. Home | torontolife. com. Retrieved from http://www. torontolife. com/daily/informer/mediaocracy/2010/10/19/should-graphic-russell-williams-photos-go-on-the-front-page/ Rankin, J. 2010, October 18). The secret life of Col. Russell Williams exposed . The Toronto Star. Retrieved from http://www. thestar. com/news/canada/article/877044–the-secret-life-of-col-russell-williams-exposed Rankin, J. (2010, October 19). A depraved Double Life. The Toronto Star, pp. A1. Seglins, D. (2010, October 21). CBC News – Canada – Col. Russell Williams pleads guilty to all 88 charges. CBC. ca – Canadian News Sports Entertainment Kids Docs Radio TV. Retrieved from http://www. cbc. ca/canada/story/2010/10/18/col-williams-court-1018. html

Project Proposal Essay

Background and Motivation What is the setting and history behind this project? Customer Relationship Management concerns the relationship between the organization and its customers. Customers are the lifeblood of any organization be it a global corporation with thousands of employees and a multi-billion turnover, or a sole trader with a handful of regular customers. Customer Relationship Management is the same in principle for these two examples – it is the scope of CRM which can vary drastically. CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a way for businesses to find potential customers. While the first iterations of CRM were used in the 1980s, it wasn’t until the 2000s that it really began to shine. CRM software helps businesses identify and categorize existing customers. This allows them to see the specific demographics their products appeal to, in turn allowing them to market their products more effectively. What is the problem to be addressed? Many organizations are considering introducing CRM systems or are in the process of doing so. The main concern of these organizations is their ability to make the necessary changes at the level of organizational strategy that the introduction of the CRM system requires. Organizations are also concerned about damaging their existing customer care system. Their fears are based on past failures in their own or in other organizations. What are some current approaches to this problem? 1. The users don’t use the CRM system My personal view is that most people do not come to work to fight the system. If users are rejecting the CRM system then we need to try to understand the reasons. In most cases this can be traced to a lack of management support for CRM. If users feel that their conscientious updating of the CRM system is not used then they will stop using it. Examples of managers refusing to use the CRM system, requesting reports in Word or Excel format, and enjoying a successful CRM implementation are nonexistent. The simple fact is that leaders need to lead – that means that everyone from the very top down must use the CRM system. 2. The users want to use the CRM system, but the technology is failing them Another point of belief; CRM software developers do not set out to ship bad software. So even if you have selected a software platform that we don’t sell, it is unlikely that the CRM issue will be bugged software. The most common reasons for technology failing are tied to speed or ease of access. If your users cannot access the CRM system whenever or wherever they want then they will drift away. 3. The original driving force for the CRM project has moved on It is often said that a new broom sweeps cleanest. All too often changes in management herald changes in the CRM system. Users who were previously happily using the CRM system, struggle to adopt changes. Users who were struggling with the system, legitimize their behavior with reference to changes that may, or may not be coming. 4. The CRM system does not deliver all of the functions required This might be the result of changes in the business, or changes in the management or reporting requirements. Typically this is first visible as a potential Business Intelligence (BI) requirement. The need is to integrate all of the systems that surround the CRM system. From quote creation, to web store integration, systems proliferate to surround the CRM system. Requirements, not anticipated in the initial CRM project create additional customer data silos. Left unchecked these will ultimately undermine the â€Å"single view of the customer† CRM seeks to deliver. Why is this problem worth solving or worth solving better? Customer relationship management (CRM) is a widely implemented model for managing a company’s interactions with customers, clients, and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes—principally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support.[1] The overall goals are to find, attract, and win new clients, service and retain those the company already has, entice former clients to return, and reduce the costs of marketing and client service.[2] Customer relationship management describes a company-wide business strategy including customer-interface departments as well as other departments.[3] Measuring and valuing customer relationships is critical to implementing this strategy. Benefits of the Project/Product * One of the major benefits of having a CRM is that it improves the quality of service. The CRM collects all information of the clients then analyzes the data and help you in decision- making. With the help of Customer Relationship Management, you will assured that your system is running safe and secure. Another benefit of having a CRM software is that it can help you save a lot of money. Of course, purchasing a software might be expensive but compared on hiring, training and paying employees, it will save you a lot. * Having a Customer Relationship Management software needs to have careful planning. Remember that in this system, the relationship between your company and your clients is at stake. You have to plan out everything. It is also important that you consider its usability. You have to determine the benefits it will bring to your company and its impact in your business as well as your employees. * Since all information provided by the customers were collected by the CRM, it is important to keep them secure. The company as well as the vendors should ensure the quality of the system that it is secure enough to protect confidential information. Scope and Limitations of the Project The scope limitation option on workflows in MSCRM is a great feature that unfortunately has half baked functionality. Particularly when dealing with large organizations with multiple Business Units, it’s compelling to try and limit scope to the Business Unit level. This works fine until you realize the limitations. Seeing as how workflows can only be owned by people, you MUST assign each workflow to a user in the business unit you’d like scope limited to. As soon as you attempt this, you’ll need to deactive the workflow, assign to the appropriate user, have that user log into the system, and re-activate the workflow. Needless to say, this is not a feasible maintenance scenario for organizations rolling out to dozen(s) of business units.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Internet Addiction: Ushering in a Generation of the Socially Inept

How long does a year take when it's going away? This was a question asked by Dunbar to a very highly disciplined soldier right before explaining, rising in almost furious passion, how fast life goes and that the only way that can slow it down is the slow, tedious, and overall unpleasant aspects of life. Granted this conversation took place in a work of fiction; however, how Dunbar insisted that he spend most of his time on base shooting skeet simply because it made his life seem to pass slower does draw parallels to how we distract ourselves today. Unlike in the 50's when Mr. Heller first introduced us to his pleasantly insane world that was Catch-22, today we have the amazing expanse of information and entertainment known as the Internet as well as the multitude of mediums for accessing it: computers, tablets, cellphones, televisions, even the very confines of our car can read Facebook updates. But with this quickly growing rise in demand for technology, status updates, and quick amusement, there is also a growth in research on a literal addiction to the Internet and technology. Many in the social sciences worry that we may be looking at a dependence on the superficial global connection, one that I fear may leave us with an incapable generation of social media dependents. Internet addiction is seen as an impulse-control disorder, much like other addictions such as to gambling or sexual activity, where users are unable to resist urges or impulses to access the Internet. In a recent study done by Dr. Kimberly Young of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, it was found that out of the nearly four hundred surveyed that were categorized as Internet dependent a resounding number had experienced academic, relationship, financial, or occupational problems that could be directly linked to excessive Internet use (Table 1).    One of the most alarming of these were those whose real relationships were affected with plenty sad and at times disturbing anecdotes of people becoming too absorbed in the lures of the online community; for example, one mother had forgot about some of the more basic needs of her own children such as picking them up from school or making them dinner (Young 1-5). The academic arena is one that has been most recently seen affected. When surveyed at the Cranfield School of Management in the United Kingdom, about 39% of students 11 to 18 years old said that texting had taken its toll on their ability to proper write English. Probably more concerning was the 59.2% that openly admitted to plagiarism, â€Å"inserting information straight from the Internet into schoolwork, without actually reading or changing it, and then, shockingly, a third of those said that they considered that acceptable schoolwork (Goodwin). Then you have Californian psychologist Larry D. Rosen who referred to the â€Å"Google effect,† what he described as â€Å"an inability to remember facts brought on by the realization [sic] they are all available via Google (â€Å"Rise † 8). What we see here can be construed as just laziness on part of this generation, a stereotype that I would agree with if not for the overwhelming evidence that suggests that this issue runs so much deeper, namely how we interact with each other when we are offline. The detrimental effects that dependence on the Internet has on people is further outlined in the report â€Å"Technology Overload: Explaining, Diagnosing, And Dealing With Techno-Addiction† by Nada Kakabadse, a professor of management and business research at University of Northampton in the United Kingdom. His commentary was hardly optimistic: â€Å"Being hooked into ICT [information and communication technology] devices and ignoring ‘offline' social interaction can lead to chronic insomnia, relationship break-up, job-loss, premature burn-out and accidents as a result of inattentiveness to daily detail.The harm to both the individual and society is immense. Idolatry of ICT gadgets such as the PDA, BlackBerry, mobile phone, has serious consequences, especially when ‘online' behavior begins to interfere with an ‘offline' life. † (Claburn) Vesile Oktan revealed in another report on the effects that Internet dependence had on students at the Karadeniz Technical University in Turkey on their ability to cope and control emotions. While his findings did indicate that Internet addiction was a reliable predictor in poor emotions management, he also point out previous studies that supported this such as young people with virtual gaming addictions had low self-control and discipline. He went on to discuss how this addiction could be a behavioral pattern that compensated, however inadequately, for failures in life (Oktan 3-5). A very similar examination from Greece only showed consistency; when comparing a younger demographic (ages 12-18) to their respective parents over the course of two years, it was found that without preventative initiative Internet addiction grew in the children. The biggest predictor variable for this addiction was parental bonding rather than actual security as many parents underestimated their children's involvement (Siomos). These two reports show a consistent connection between how people interact outside the digital world and how they both are affected and effect how one develops uncontrollable cravings. What the spectacular resources the Internet has to offer surely can't be refuted as invaluable. The ability to quickly and effectively communicate with each other over vast distances and almost instantaneously is a recent luxury that we at times take for granted. The use of the Internet and its many outlets does make for a good distraction in much of the same way Dunbar made use of the shooting range in Catch-22 even though he detested actually doing target practice. Unfortunately, in this situation, what we can take for granted also has its capacity to consume and entrap us with its ease of access and being easily relatible unlike standard social situations when offline where one has to make compromises (Young 5). Many experts would rather not classify this issue as an actual addiction, citing that it is more of a means to an end such as how gambling addicts will switch to the Internet poker rooms when they can no longer get their fix from actual casinos or vice versa (Ritchie). I firmly believe that this is a real problem in society that will eventually prevent many people from achieving success as this continues to monopolize their time, effort, and mental processes. I would almost go as far to say that I have my own difficulties with this; case and point: I would readily say that this essay would have been completed in a timely manner if it had not been of the constant distraction from reality that the Internet provides. I will conclude with an anecdote that very clearly displays where many undiagnosed individuals are going if this issue is not given proper attention. I challenge you to read this and reflect on other well researched and described addictions such as with alcohol, gambling, and sexual activity. Then I pose to you a question: if we are dealing with a very similar problem with a medium that is as vast as it is accessible, long could a life take when it's going away? â€Å"When Johnny's grandmother died unexpectedly, the family was devastated. Fifteen-year-old Johnny seemed to be coping well, but would continue to spend at least six hours a day playing online role-play game [sic] World of Warcraft; sometimes up to 10 hours at the weekend. It was not until months later, after he had cut down on his gaming, that the impact of the death really hit home. Johnny went to visit his grandfather and was horrified to relearn that his grandmother had gone and would not be coming back. â€Å"He did acknowledge it, but was so immersed in World of Warcraft at the time that when he got off the game, he was shocked and very upset that she wasn't there, says Dr. Richard Graham, a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist who subsequently treated Johnny for his gaming addiction. â€Å"The time Johnny spent gaming had steadily increased over the years until he was spending every available hour on his Xbox. He completely lost all interest in school and his grades inevitably suffered. It was only after a couple of months of treatment that Johnny started to re-engage with the people around him. ‘That emotional impact had been frozen in time,' says Dr Graham. ‘Even when there was a death in the family, something as crucial as mourning didn't take place.'† (Ritchie)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Presentation of Self

â€Å"When an individual enters the presence of others, they commonly seek to acquire? information about him or to bring into play information about him already possessed. They? will be interested in his general socio-economic status, his conception of self, his attitude? towards them, his competence, his trustworthiness, etc. Although some of this information is? sought as an end in itself, there are usually quite practical reasons for acquiring it. Information? about the individual helps to define the situation, enabling others to know in advance what he? ill expect of them and what they may expect of him. Informed in these ways, the others will? know how best to act in order to call forth a desired response from him. †-Erving Goffman In â€Å"The Presentation of Self In Everyday Life,† by Erving Goffman he seeks to show the reader how everyone sets out to present themselves to the world around them, always trying to maintain the role they have selected for themselves , since those whom they meet not only try to decide what role it is you are playing, but also whether or not you are competent to play that role.Erving Goffman portrays everyday interactions as strategic encounters in which one is attempting to sell a particular self-image and, accordingly, a particular definition of the situation. I agree with Erving Goffman, in everyday life I believe we all play different roles to different people to portray ourselves in the way we want to be seen. The impression we have on people and society depends on the character and role we play.In my life today I try to please people the best way I can while still making myself happy I can relate to Goffman’s writings because I also believe myself that we are all actors playing a role in society that we choose to play. The ways we portray ourselves to the people around us can differ from friends to parents because we want a sense of acceptance from all. I agree with this very much. Growing up I know that I occasionally would lie to my parents to play the role that they wanted to see. The image my parents may have thought me to be, at times, actually was not me.I wanted to be my parent’s princess and the golden child, so I acted in a way to seek their approval which in some ways was not the â€Å"real† me. These conditions occur because of the existence of self presentational rules according to Goffman. â€Å"When one individual enters the presence of others, he will want to discover the facts of the situation. Were he to possess this information. †Also when meeting an individual we try to get information about them so we can act accordingly to their approval. How we act with one friend may not be the way we act with another.We determine the person’s status and attitude and decide for ourselves if we want to be a part of that. When we gather the information when first meeting someone, it determines the way we think and act towards them. Erving Goffman revolves his view of the human life around the belief that we are all actors who have both a front stage behavior and a back stage behavior. From an early age we have become skilled actors and move in and out of roles with precision such as with our family and friends. We follow the formal societal rules when we are on the front stage reciting a script, playing a role.This would include going to work, presenting ourselves as the person we should uphold to take part in society. On the other side, Goffman says our back stage behavior is informal, as we'd act when we are amongst friends. When I myself am in the public eye instead of in the social scene amongst my friends I find myself acting in a different way to please the group of people I am around. Erving Goffman had a good perception on society and natural human behavior that I myself can relate to and agree with.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Poverty Satire Essay

With the advancement of poverty in the United States it is time to solve the homeless situation. Thousands of Americans are homeless and taking up space on the city’s streets. A simple solution to this problem would be to allow the homeless to reside in landfills. They would be able to sort through the waste to find appropriate cardboard boxes to live in. This could also be used as a form of employment allowing them to sort through recycling to improve the environment. It is also a statistical fact that many Americans throw away food that goes untouched. Not only would they have a permanent residence of their choosing but this also insures that they would have plenty of food to maintain their strength to sort trash. The act of throwing food away is often forgotten, but with this new profound idea other Americans can feel charitable each time they throw away their trash. Their leftover food will go straight to the landfill and become a nice snack or a whole meal for one of the landfill residents. Society will no longer have to worry about starvation because essentially anyone can provide for the poor. People will eventually feel better about the act of throwing away hundreds of thousands of dollars of wasted food knowing that it will go to a family in need. However, people will be questioning why it has to stop with food. Used tissues, old dental floss, and that rusted razor that everyone has lying about will ensure that the landfill residents have acceptable hygiene. The rainwater combined with the last few congealed drops of some liquid soap will keep the landfill inhabitants fresh and clean. There will be competition in the landfills for the best food and supplies or the best cardboard, but th at should be promoted because they need to understand that although everything will be essentially thrown out to them, it will still be â€Å"survival of the fittest†. The landfill inhabitants will be able to sleep in peace knowing that their shelter was handmade. Newspapers and junk mail will be of great use to the residents because it could provide as a floor or even a roof. Although there might be a rise in identity theft because of the information civilians have thrown out in the trash, it should come as a lesson because people should know to shred their important documents before throwing them out. The  landfill residents can also use their resources to better their education. The writings and nutrition facts on the backs of cereal boxes along with the short stories about fields of lavender and honeysuckles on lotion bottles can easily suffice as a quick English lesson. The shelters in the landfills will consist primarily of cardboard boxes but it will give the residents a chance to express their creativity. The residents could even form small village like shelters within the landfill to be better protected from the other scavengers. The fig ht for the best supplies will endanger quite a few residents, but in the long run they should be able to value the relationships they might form with one another. Many people would probably argue that this solution to homelessness is too dangerous or inhumane but it will prepare the homeless people for a life after the landfill. The landfill would offer a refuge for the poverty stricken victims to be provided for and it would also allow the homeless to provide a service for the public. The landfill already offers such valuable resources that are just going to waste. It would be unreasonable to think that the landfill residents couldn’t sort through the trash to figure out what could be recycled; this could be a form of employment in the landfills. Ensuring that the public will be rewarded for their generous donations, the homeless would essentially pay back the public with the use of reusable goods. The rising homeless count is rising and this is an adequate solution to a major problem. Not only would the landfill provide a new home for the homeless it would give city residents peace of mind knowing that the homeless people are safely a way out of sight.